Mick McQuaid


I am an Associate Professor of Instruction at UT-Austin

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  • INF385C, HCI
  • I320U, Inf & Interact Dsgn
  • INF385T, PromptEngr
  • i306, Stats
  • INF385T, UX Proto
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  • INF385C, HCI Human Computer Interaction

    The syllabus is the course's main document. Expect it to be followed to the letter.


    01intro gives a brief introduction to the course.

    02perception discusses perception and some cognition.

    03cognition discusses cognition.

    04userResearch introduces ways to learn about users of software.

    05modeling introduces modeling of users, tasks, flows.

    06sketching introduces sketching or lofi prototyping.

    07conceptualDesign introduces conceptual design, ecology, pervasive information architecture, and interaction design.

    08prototyping introduces prototyping, both lofi and hifi.

    09empirical introduces empirical evaluation.

    10analytic introduces analytic evaluation.

    11affordance introduces affordances, laws, and errors.

    12interactionCycle introduces Hartson and Pyla's interaction cycle.

    13guidelines discusses design guidelines from industry and from Hartson and Pyla.

    hciExperiments introduces quantitative evaluation.

    example article presentation provides an example of an article presentation.