Mick McQuaid


I am an Associate Professor of Instruction at UT-Austin

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  • INF385T, PromptEngr Prompt Engineering

    The syllabus is the course's main document. Normally I say "Expect it to be followed to the letter." That's problematic in a field changing so fast. I wrote the syllabus in the spring and both the state of the world and my thinking have changed drastically. I am editing it now, so expect it to change.


    01intro introduces the course and some background, as well as the first two exercises.

    02principles introduces the notion of principles in prompt engineering, along with some examples.


    eA.qmd This is the code template for the first exercise.

    eA.html This is the rendered html for the above code template.

    eAsolutionR.qmd This is an example solution in R instead of Python.

    eAsolutionR.html This is the rendered version of the above example solution.