Prompt Engineering
03 Feb 2025
Week Four
without success, so I switched to example_tweets_test_tiny
potato/project-hub/politeness_rating/annotation_output/full/<your account name>/
and use that window to navigate to the folderannotation_order.txt
is a list of the instances you annotated in orderassigned_user_data.json
is a list of the instances you annotated, with the annotations you madeannotated_instances.jsonl
is a list of the instances you annotated, with the annotations you made, in JSON Lines formatvi
to change the word scale_1
to scale
command :%s/scale_[1-5]/scale/
script to extract the ID and scale from the JSON Lines filevi
to get rid of lines that start with Politenessvi
command :g/^Politeness/d
script to calculate the average rating 5 | 000000
4 | 00000000000
3 | 00000000000000000
2 | 00000000000
1 | 00000
See if you can make a stem-and-leaf plot for your data with an LLM
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