Prompt Engineering
15 Jan 2025
That stands for “There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch”
Many people think AI will provide a free lunch. I don’t.
You will have to work (think) to make AI work (think) for you
\(\langle\) Pause to let the room clear \(\rangle\)
Dhar (2024) covers four periods in AI history and the paradigm shifts between them.
This isn’t all of AI history but is a simplified picture that will help us understand the task we face in making AI work for us.
General-purpose technology, such as electricity or the Internet, is defined by economists as a new method for producing and inventing that is important enough to have a protracted aggregate economic impact across the economy
All of us know more than any of us.
— Robert O. Briggs
The intelligence of that creature known as a crowd is the square root of the number of people in it.
— Terry Pratchett
You must each present (1) a success you’ve experienced with genAI and (2) a challenge that you have not yet overcome with genAI. That is the ten percent presentation grade in class. The Python exercise will determine the schedule of presentations.
I use a format called BibTeX to construct bibliographies. Here’s a fragment.
It’s tedious to enter.
Please format the following as a BibTeX inproceedings entry
Vinita Tibdewal, Sharoda Paul, Xiaomai Chen, Jennifer Kim, Obinna Anya, Mina Shojaeizadeh, and Ilteris Kaplan. 2018. Unlocking the User Experience of Generative AI Applications: Design Patterns and Principles. In Honolulu ’24: ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,May 11–16, 2024, Honolulu, Hawai’i. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 5 pages
doesn’t fit (but the AI could not have known that)Animate this
The preceding possibility shows the situation where \(t_{\alpha,\nu}>t_c\), which is equivalent to saying that \(p>\alpha\).
The \(x\)-axis scale begins to the left of the fragment shown here, and values of \(t\) increase from left to right. At the same time, the shaded regions decrease in size from left to right. Note that the entire shaded region above is \(p\), while only the darker region at the right is \(\alpha\).
I tried several times to get a genAI tool (can’t remember if it was DALL-E or Midjourney or what) to animate this, only to experience repeated failures of many kinds. I thought of making this an exercise, in fact, because it seems like a difficult problem.
On the bright side, I have since learned that, instead of asking for a picture, I might be better off asking for a programmatic specification of a picture, allowing me to tweak the parameters. That’s how I arrived at the preceding no leverage picture.
Unfortunately, it did not work in this case and the output is too involved to put on a slide. Instead, I will share my dialog with ChatGPT separately.
\(\langle\) Pause to show dialog \(\rangle\)
I created eighteen LaTeX files and about fifteen Python scripts trying to debug this but could never get even a rough output I could work with. I tried debugging both the Python scripts and the LaTeX input with no success. The challenge remains \(\cdots\)
One additional problem is that I couldn’t portray the issues in a presentation. I would need a video to go through the ChatGPT window. I’m reluctant to ask you to produce a video for your presentation but I will allow it if you prefer.
You’ll need to turn in a .qmd file and a .html file by 11:59PM the night before your presentation. Optionally, you may also turn in an .mp4 file. (If you do that, we can run the .mp4 file in class instead of having you present.)
How do you do that? Just open R Studio and select File > New File > Quarto Presentation. The system will create a small presentation template for you. Now we’ll add to it.
from CanvaseA.qmd
is a template for exercise A\(\langle\) Pause to demo Quarto Presentations \(\rangle\)
This slideshow was produced using quarto
Fonts are Roboto Light, Roboto Bold, and JetBrains Mono Nerd Font