I am an Associate Professor of Instruction at UT-Austin
This is an introductory course in probability and statistics with informatics applications. We will use R, RStudio, and Quarto to create and document analyses of data.
syllabus: https://mickmcquaid.com/stats/syllabus.html
homework instructions: https://mickmcquaid.com/stats/hwInstructions.html
00overview is a slideshow that prefaces the course
01intro is a slideshow with an introduction, focusing mainly on numerical description of data
02dataSummaries is a slideshow about numerical and visual summaries of data
03moreRandQuarto is a slideshow about the R language and the Quarto document system.
04probability is a slideshow introducing probability concepts.
05distributions is a slideshow about five distributions of random variables.
06inference is a slideshow about confidence intervals and hypothesis tests.
07categoricalInf is a slideshow about inference for categorical data.
08numericalInf is a slideshow about inference for numerical data.
09linearRegr is a slideshow about linear regression.
10multipleRegr is a slideshow about multiple linear regression and logistic regression.
11regrDiagnostics is a file describing diagnostic plots for regression.
12moreR is a file describing more things you can do with R and Quarto.
For week 13, we're using the ISLR2 textbook and there are no lecture slides.
studyGuide contains the lecture notes for the course
week14review is a slideshow that concludes the course
qAndA is a slideshow of potential job interview questions.