Mick McQuaid


I am an Associate Professor of Instruction at UT-Austin

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  • i306, Stats
  • INF385T, UX Proto
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  • i306, Stats Statistics for Informatics

    Statistics for Informatics

    This is an introductory course in probability and statistics with informatics applications. We will use R, RStudio, and Quarto to create and document analyses of data.

    syllabus: https://mickmcquaid.com/stats/syllabus.html

    homework instructions: https://mickmcquaid.com/stats/hwInstructions.html


    00overview is a slideshow that prefaces the course

    01intro is a slideshow with an introduction, focusing mainly on numerical description of data

    02dataSummaries is a slideshow about numerical and visual summaries of data

    03moreRandQuarto is a slideshow about the R language and the Quarto document system.

    04probability is a slideshow introducing probability concepts.

    05distributions is a slideshow about five distributions of random variables.

    06inference is a slideshow about confidence intervals and hypothesis tests.

    07categoricalInf is a slideshow about inference for categorical data.

    08numericalInf is a slideshow about inference for numerical data.

    09linearRegr is a slideshow about linear regression.

    10multipleRegr is a slideshow about multiple linear regression and logistic regression.

    11regrDiagnostics is a file describing diagnostic plots for regression.

    12moreR is a file describing more things you can do with R and Quarto.

    For week 13, we're using the ISLR2 textbook and there are no lecture slides.

    studyGuide contains the lecture notes for the course

    week14review is a slideshow that concludes the course

    qAndA is a slideshow of potential job interview questions.