Scientists have found that most publishable results are not reproducible. Therefore, they have started to use tools like Quarto to make research reproducible. We’ll use Quarto to make our results reproducible.
You need R to be installed before you try to install RStudio. You may prefer to use Python but you can not turn in any Python code or Jupyter notebooks in this class. There are numerous reasons for this which can be discussed outside of class.
All homework assignments will be Quarto documents (qmd extension on filename) described at https://quarto.org
Do not attempt to use any microsoft products in this course. E.g., no reports will be in word and no calculations will be in excel. I’m not joking. I’ll just give you a zero if you turn in that stuff.
It will be a take-home exam where I’ll give you a large (approximately 4GB) dataset and you have to analyze it and turn in a .qmd file and a .pdf file summarizing your work.
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