Week SIX
How can UX designers use metaphors beyond mere visual cues? Mental shortcuts … enriching usability but also promoting sustainable practices …
(a question we have to keep asking ourselves)
How can the design team effectively gather and synthesize user feedback?
Given the subjective nature of user feedback and potential biases inherent in self-report measures, to what extent can the results obtained from such studies be considered reliable and valid?
Can we also say that the initial phase of top down design is not user centered?
(Example: Apple Vision Pro)
What are some methods or strategies you could implement to ensure continuous innovation?
How can designers innovate to stay ahead of current trends, while ensuring that their technology catches on and becomes mainstream?
Would you expect a workspace using a specific approach to hold certain values? If yes, what values do you would you expect?
The article says ‘Top-down design is heavily driven by domain knowledge’, while I think top-down design is more driven by technology. How do you understand this question?
Design is all about constraints.
— Charles Eames
My drawings have been described as pre-intentionalist, meaning that they were finished before the ideas for them had occurred to me. I shall not argue the point.
— James Thurber
Readings last week include Hartson and Pyla (2019): Ch 9, 10
Readings this week include Hartson and Pyla (2019): Ch 12, 13, 14
Project 2
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