Mick McQuaid


I am an Associate Professor of Instruction at UT-Austin

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  • I320U Interaction and Information Design

    The syllabus is the course's main document. Expect it to be followed to the letter.

    The study guide is the main textbook for the course.

    hwInstructions is an html version of the exercise and milestone section of the study guide.

    ocounties.pdf contains a table from the Census Bureau used in the Bertin exercise.


    00designThinking covers an exercise in design thinking and provides placeholders for a few introductory items

    01intro provides an intro to the content of the course

    02backgrndRad describes the background radiation of our universe

    03audience describes the audience(s) for our work.

    04contextInquiry describes the contextual inquiry, the first of four activities in interaction design.

    05personas discusses personas, as well as verbal and protocol analysis and the PDCA cycle.

    06scenarios discusses scenarios into which personas may be injected, representing stories of successful work.

    07prototyping discusses both lofi and hifi prototyping.

    08personalInfo turns our attention from interaction to information with a discussion of personal information management.

    09info continues the discussion of information, broadening it to consider different viewpoints about information and its design.

    10patterns continues the discussion of information, emphasizing design patterns.

    11findingInfo continues the discussion of information, emphasizing search and navigation.

    12visInfo continues the discussion of information, focusing on visual information.

    13visDemo provides two exercises for exploring what you've learned about visual design.

    14visTheory provides some theory to back up what you've learned about visual design.

    14conclusion closes out the semester.