Week SIX
People sometimes don’t see what’s right in front of them
I have a skeptical student
Two people look and one person sees. That person will win.
Two people look and one sees
〈pause for color video〉
Color is an enormous concept, recently explored in the CHI community by Shugrina et al. (2019). It can be the subject of entire semester-long courses in several disciplines, including psychology, neurology, biology, and optical science.
I would like to limit my further discussion to two issues among the very many that should be of interest to you as designers. The first is education about color and the second is color words.
Josef Albers was without peer in educating art students about color in the twentieth century. His kit, often referred to as a book, is called Interaction of Color. Its most important sentence is perhaps “Color is the most relative medium.”
Following are quotations from color word research contributed by a previous student.
The website mentioned on the previous slide continued as follows:
A prominent doctrine in linguistics and anthropology holds that each language and culture expresses a unique world view by its particular way of slicing up reality into named categories. (See Sapir-Whorf hypothesis).
arstechnica on color name history ran a sad and funny article in Fall 2015 on the names of colors as used in computing, from the X Window System project in the eighties through contemporary CSS3.
Typography began in earnest in the 1450s. (There had been typesetting in China 200 years before this but the art invented there was never communicated outside a small community and was not widely known until archeologists in the 20th century rediscovered the long-lost artifacts.)
La Vita Nuova
Traditional typography for a given page of a book represents three widely recognized challenges, legibility (ability to distinguish each letterform), readability (of the entire page), and color (technical term used to mean ink density).
This a sub-discipline of cognitive psychology that is the source for many studies of reading comprehension and comparisons of various contributors to reading comprehension, including typography.
In the film AI (2001), the character portrayed by Jude Law is invited to choose from a context sensitive menu by the holographic cartoon Dr. Know, as voiced by Robin Williams. When the Jude Law character asks about a concept, Dr. Know asks for the context in which he asks, since the concept has different meanings in different contexts.
art nouveau connotes fairy tales
basic writing connotes primal
small caps connotes officialdom
blackletter script connotes religion
〈pause for extreme emphasis exercise〉
Hick’s law predicts the time it will take for a user to make a choice, given the number of choices. Hick’s law can be expressed similarly to Fitts’s Law as
\[t = b \log_2 (n + 1)\]
Here, \(t\) is reaction time, \(b\) is a constant to be found empirically, and \(n\) is the number of choices with which the user is confronted. The extra \(1\) represents the concept none of the above.
An important publication, Miller (1956), influenced thinking about appropriate chunk size forever after.
First, the span of absolute judgment and the span of immediate memory impose severe limitations on the amount of information that we are able to receive, process, and remember. By organizing the stimulus input simultaneously into several dimensions and successively into a sequence of chunks, we manage to break (or at least stretch) this informational bottleneck.
〈pause for kerning exercise at https://type.method.ac〉
Let’s look at Pickering and Bell (2022) for layout advice, all web-based
Everything in web design is a box
Block elements \(\sim\) paragraph (takes all space)
Inline elements \(\sim\) word (takes only content space)
Eschew terms like “left” and “right” instead using start and end, e.g.,
display: flex
or display: grid
causes a <div>
to continue to behave like a block
, but changes its child elements’ behavior. Now the flow direction changes from vertical to horizontal, as the child elements distribute themselves horizontally. Composite layouts consist of nested formatting contexts.
The web is responsive by default! Content makes inline
elements grow horizontally and block
elements grow vertically. Static representations are misleading!
makes calculating and anticipating box dimensions easier.
“Dimensions of elements should be largely derived from their inner content and outer context. When we try to prescribe dimensions, things tend to go amiss. All we should be doing as visual designers is making suggestions as to how the layout should take shape. We might, for instance, apply a min-height
or proffer a flex-basis
The CSS of suggestion is at the heart of algorithmic layout design. Instead of telling browsers what to do, we allow browsers to make their own calculations, and draw their own conclusions, to best suit the user, their screen, and device. Nobody should experience obscured content under any circumstances.”
Combining simple independent parts gives you more flexibility and leads to more efficiency than connecting everything through inheritance to a shared origin.
Because with the .dialog
classes, you’ll have a lot of repeated code—CSS bloat.
But with the same layout primitives, you can build other structures.
〈pause for illusion of life video〉
It’s all done with curves!
This slideshow was produced using quarto
Fonts are League Gothic and Lato (and STIX for the tiny amount of math)